These pieces use the languages of business and self-help to present us with problems that through ambiguous phrasing are equally applicable to the world of capitalism or to everyday life. By offering numerous solutions tailored to multiple undisclosed contexts, the works hint at the impossibility of total success, the futility of looking for perfect answers, and through humour, the pointlessness of asking anyone else’s advice.
Click to download Instructional Media #1 (72Kb)
Click to download Instructional Media #2 (68Kb)
Click to download Instructional Media #3 (68Kb)
Exhibition History
Produced for the PowerpointismTM evening at Bloc Projects, Sheffield, September 2007
You’ve Got Some Explaining To Do, BBC Big Screen, Millennium Square, Leeds, May 2008
Title: Instructional Media, 1–3
Year of production: 2007
Media: Powerpoint presentations.